Edsie, Inc.
Inspiring Conservation, sustainability, & mindfulness

The idea of Wild Edsie, Inc. sparked to life in 2017, when I moved into my van. I dreamt up the name 'EDSIE,' a nickname for 'Education Station.' In 2020, I brought that dream to life when I officially formed a nonprofit based on conservation, sustainability, and mindfulness education.
I aspire to teach environmental consciousness with my van as the stage; highly mobile and in an outdoor, affordable setting. I'm a biologist at heart and I travel with my two goats, and two dogs in my van home. My goaties, Bergsteiger and Lachlan, are used to pack my gear, grow fiber for fiber arts, pull me on skis, control weeds, and provide great company. My doggos protect us from dogs, predators, and bad people. Join us on our journey to educate one another on how to better care for this beautiful planet we all call home, and lift eachother up in the process.