Life is complicated. We have work, bills, global pandemics, climate change, trying to stay social yet safe, balance time to focus and also have fun. Things can stack up and it's easy to feel helpless or overwhelmed.
Let's try and fix that!
Number one: TAKE A BREAK!!
If you don't think you have the time, that means you REALLY need to put your work aside! I promise you, you can find at least an hour in the next few days to schedule some time for yourself.
After all, if you burn out, you won't be able to get any work done. So, let's be proactive and take care of our mental health!
What to do with that time?
Spend time with friends! We are social creatures. Being in our minds, ruminating about all the things we need to do, issues you're reliving, or the unknowns of the future doesn't serve us.
Find some time a friend is free and schedule something fun to do! Take a walk around the park, grab some tea, sit by a river, cook a meal together, go to a farmer's market together, or just have them come shopping with you!
Talking with someone you enjoy relieves stress and helps pull you out of the anxiety- stricken mode you slipped into. Don't worry, this happens to all of us, I'm working on breaking out of that state at this moment! That's why healthy reminders are always nice.
But, don't feel like you want to socialize? Read on!
Spend time with some critters!
Animals calm us down. To be near a creature that cares about you comforts you. Petting their soft fur soothes us. Hugging and cuddling with them releases happy chemicals.
Take some time to be present with your pets. Look into their eyes, calm your breath, and connect with them. It steadies your soul.
If you don't have pets of your own, ask a friend if you can take their dog for a walk, or watch their cat for a night. Or call up an animal rescue and see if they need a dog walker for an hour or so.
Trust me, you will notice the difference the second you look into a creature's eyes.
However, don't feel like being in anyone's presence? Keep reading..
Get outside!
Nature makes us happy. Even the color green has a calming effect. Repeating patterns such as fern leaves, evergreen needles, and so on makes our brain happy. Fresh air clears our mind.
Pack yourself a little picnic, sit on a bench in a park, set up a hammock and read a book, go on a run, or smell some wildflowers.
It's guaranteed to up your satisfaction level and decrease your stress. So why not?
But, don't have the option for any of the above for whatever reason? Read on.
Take some alone time!
You know you best. What would make you happiest right now?
Order some take out and put on a movie, start a puzzle, light some candles and meditate, take a bubble bath with classical music playing, put on a podcast and clean your house/ van, have a fashion show for yourself in your summer clothes if winter is getting you down, or whatever else strikes your fancy.
Find your happy place and embrace it. You truly deserve it!
I hope this helped. If so, please practice these nuggets of advice and share with a friend. Every choice we make has an impact; let's make all those impacts positive!
Have a splendid day! :)
By Nico Castellano, Wild Edsie Founder